Why You Should Consider Fillers for Temples

Nov 15, 2022


Temple fillers restore the volume in the treatment area, giving you a more refreshed look.

Many people are aware of lip fillers, which lift your lips and give them a glow. But what about the temples? This frequently overlooked area of the face is likewise deserving of dermal filler attention.

The entire face tends to lose elasticity and volume as people age. This loss of bone, fat, muscle, and other tissue can cause the face to appear haggard. Because they are naturally concave, like a peanut, the temples are especially vulnerable.

Volume reduction in this area might make the eyes appear weary and down-turned. Dermal fillers, in the hands of an expert injector, can reverse these effects.

In this article, I’ll talk about why you must consider getting a filler treatment for your temple.

Can Dermal Fillers Be Used in the Temples?

Hyaluronic acid is the active ingredient in temple fillers that gives its rejuvenating effect.

Your temples provide a sleek and sculpted appearance to your face. These are the little flat patches between your brows that travel up to the point of your ears and back to your hairline. When they are plump and full, they help define a more youthful appearance.

The well-known ‘heart-shaped face’ in women and a well-defined upper face in men are produced by fuller temples. Therefore, the key to achieving a well-shaped and balanced facial appearance is to restore the volume loss as we age.

Temple fillers are non-surgical injections that rejuvenate the temples in the same way that a small facelift would. They use a biodegradable hyaluronic acid (HA) gel to restore moisture and volume to the temporal area. The treatment can also be done with other procedures involving lip fillers, cheek fillers, and tear trough fillers.

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance that keeps our skin firm and hydrated by retaining water. The hyaluronic acid levels that have diminished over time are replaced by injecting hyaluronic acid back into depleted temple locations.

What Is the Best Filler for the Temple Area?

HA temple filler treatment is among the most recommended filler treatments for the temple.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is the most effective type of temple filler treatment. It’s the ideal solution for temple lifts that tone and fill the skin in a softer manner. HA fillers are among the most popular brands, resulting in smoother, plumper temple hollows.

These dermal fillers can correct the volume loss due to the diminished bone, fat, and collagen from the natural ageing process.

Other temple fillers have different effects on the temple. They are sometimes blended with other substances to achieve the patient’s cosmetic goals. Sculptra is an FDA-approved collagen simulator that improves the appearance of the temple region. Voluma, when blended with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or saline, also achieves a beautiful, youthful appearance.

It’s always advisable to consult a trained doctor to discuss your desired results and recommend the right type of dermal fillers ideal for your temples.

How Much Hyaluronic Acid Filler Does It Take To Fill Temples?

Volume loss in the temples can make the brows appear hooded and distort the curve of the face. Hyaluronic acid temple fillers can restore a youthful facial appearance. It is possible to make a significant change by volumising the area. Typically, patients use 1 to 2 ml to fill the temples.

How Do You Fill in Temples?

While there are cosmetic treatments that fill in hollow temples, a temple filler can have a dramatic effect on your face.

Temple fillers might help you achieve a more balanced facial structure. Patients who get temple fillers get a more oval or heart-shaped face, which is popular with ladies. Men who select these filler treatments can also acquire a more defined brow and a more masculine face.

Lifting Your Face With Temple Fillers

A temple filler helps regain the lost volume in your temple region, giving you a more youthful look.

The temples are located on the side of your face, immediately below your eyes, and between the brow and the ear. When they are full, they help to define and form a youthful appearance. Your temple area loses volume as you age, resulting in a hollowing look.

The more noticeable this gets, the more prominent the skull shape beneath is, resulting in what is frequently referred to as a “peanut effect,” a large forehead, narrow temples, and small cheeks. The tips of our brows might likewise become “lost” in the hollow.

Although it may

be difficult for you to define exactly what has changed about your face, a trained practitioner will detect volume loss and recommend temple fillers – dermal fillers in the temporal region.

A temple filler can be injected to fill hollow spaces and regain lost volume. This will help to balance your overall face structure and give you a more youthful appearance. Most people are amazed with how much of a difference a temple filler can make.

What Are Temple Fillers and Why Do We Use Them to Correct Facial Volume Loss?

These dermal filler injections revolumise the patient's temporal region.

Typically, a modest amount of filler put precisely into the temples is all that is required to rapidly lift and broaden the eyes. When HA temple filler is injected, they work like an inflated cushion, supporting tissues that have lost volume or suppleness. So, by replacing this cushion, an individual’s temporal area is significantly recontoured and restored to its youthful look.

Temple filler not only supports the structure of the top face, but it can also lessen the appearance of small lines in the mid and lower face. The mid to lower part of the face, such as the cheeks and nose-to-mouth lines, are also minimised by reinforcing the scaffolding.

Temple Fillers Top 8 Benefits

A temple filler treatment done with advanced techniques can address patient's concerns.

1. Gives a younger appearance

The main advantage of temple fillers is that the treatment results in a more youthful look. The fat in the face naturally depletes and redistributes as we age. Volume in places such as the temples and cheeks transfers to the bottom part of the face as you age. A youthful face can be regained by adding volume to the temples.

2. Produces facelift-like results without surgery

Volume loss at the temples can cause the brows to sag, giving the appearance of being weary, angry, depressed, or simply older. This dermal filler can produce a “liquid facelift” look by elevating the brows and making patients look younger. Botox injections can also be utilised to smooth wrinkles surrounding newly lifted brows, enhancing the results of temple fillers.

3. Corrects hollow areas and face shape

Temple fillers help balance your facial structure. Patients who get temple fillers get a more oval or heart-shaped face, which is popular with ladies. Men who select the treatment can also acquire a more defined brow and a more masculine face shape.

The beauty of temple fillers is that they do not radically alter your appearance; nevertheless, adding volume to the temple area can slightly improve the overall shape of your face for a natural yet enhanced appearance.

4. Results are subtle and natural-looking

While the stigma surrounding cosmetic operations is fading, many people want to remain anonymous about their treatments. Dermal filler treatments produce considerable rejuvenation while remaining subtle enough that no one would detect you’ve had a surgery.

Patients who received this treatment may note that their acquaintances, coworkers, or family members notice that they seem refreshed, more awake, or younger, but they do not instantly think they have had a cosmetic operation.

Instead, folks around you may believe you seem rejuvenated because you are getting more sleep and are generally healthier and happier.

5. Minimal side effects

Like all injectable treatments, the treatment has very minor side effects and requires no downtime. You may most likely experience swelling and redness after your injections. These negative effects fade rapidly, and the results are instantly apparent.

You can immediately resume your normal schedule, including work or school, after your appointment. However, you should avoid strenuous activities and exercise for at least 24 hours to avoid bruising at the injection site. To avoid slowing the healing process, avoiding alcohol for about a week after your injections is recommended.

6. Long-lasting results

Although the treatment is not permanent, the effects are long-lasting. Results from some filler solutions can last for up to two years or longer. After the filler has degraded, you can opt for maintenance injections to maintain your results.

7. Helps stimulate collagen production

These treatments help to reflate decreased temporal volume while also improving anatomical structures such as brow lift, eyelid lift, and lightening dark under-eye bags.

It encourages neocollagenesis, or the synthesis of your own collagen, resulting in long-lasting and natural-looking results.

8. Complements other treatments for best results

For a more full and holistic rejuvenation, patients frequently mix temple filler with other non-surgical cosmetic procedures.

You can choose to add filler to places other than the temples, such as the cheekbones or under-eyes, which also lose volume as you age. You can achieve a younger appearance by injecting dermal fillers into all of the places that lose volume over time.

Botox can also be combined with temple filler to treat other indications of ageing in the upper face. Botox is a neuromodulator that works to minimise dynamic wrinkles, or wrinkles caused by squinting, smiling, frowning, or making other facial expressions.

Botox relaxes the transmission between the nerves and muscles where it is injected, resulting in softer wrinkles during natural facial expressions.

Forehead Fillers & Temple Fillers

Temple and forehead fillers have the potential to alleviate a wide range of age-related issues.

The anatomy of your temporal region and forehead area may contribute to your youthful look.  The temple has little volume, and as you age, you may lose even more. Lines and wrinkles may get deeper and more apparent, making you appear older and worried.

Temple and forehead fillers are made up of tiny injections of transparent HA gel. These are injected into your temporal areas or forehead, increasing volume and smoothing the skin while eliminating lines, restoring shape, and contouring the face.

What Does Temple Filler Do? Who Might Be a Good Candidate?

A temple filler balances your facial structure by hydrating and restoring the volume in the temple area.

If your temples appear hollow or depressed, a temple filler may be beneficial. A drooping brow and sagging eyelids are two other signs that you can benefit from this treatment.

You should be in good overall health before having any type of dermal filler. It’s also preferable if you don’t smoke, as smoking can hinder healing after injections and produce ageing indications like wrinkles, both of which can influence your outcomes.

You should avoid using blood-thinning drugs like aspirin or certain vitamins before undergoing temple filler injections.

Some patients who have severe allergies may also be unsuitable for dermal filler injections.

How Long Do They Last?

One of its advantages is its long-lasting effects despite being a non-surgical procedure.

Temple filler is a popular non-surgical option for getting results without having to go under the knife. Although temple dermal filler is just temporary, the results can last anywhere from 6 months to several years.

How Much Do Temple Fillers Cost?

Prices begin at £500 in London. Because each treatment and hollow temple filler is customised to your facial structure, the cost will be provided at the consultation after a thorough inspection.

Visit Julian De Silva – Rhinoplasty, London

Are you looking for the right treatment and the best fillers for temple hollowing? Out treatments work for all skin types, and our patients have been raving about the amazing results that we deliver. Book a consultation with me, Dr. Julian De Silva, now!